short story, poetry

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Writing Competitions

Short Stories, Poetry, Non-fiction and Performing arts - the world is your bi-valve!

It's true folks - you've got to be in it to win it!

Time to stop dithering about. No more 'shall I, shan't I' but more along the lines of 'I can do it!'. Because you can! This is a great way to improve your writing and gain confidence - even if you don't win. But if you do - the feeling is great. And the prize helps too.

Entering a writing or poetry competition is one of the best things you can do. Especially if they offer a critique of your story. Well worth the money to find out how you're doing and what you need to do to improve.

Here are listings in chronological order to help you find one to get started with:



© - Writing Competitions
New Novelist

Nick Daws Course 2B
Write Any Book In
28 Days

Book Proposal Secrets
Book  Proposal Secrets

The Ultimate Copywriter
The Ultimate Copywriter

WriteItNow Software
WriteItNow Novel writing software

AVG Anti Virus
AVG - Best Anti Virus software by far.

Sunflower Felloiwship, Romania 
WritersReign supports the
Sunflower Fellowship, Romania

If you would like to make a small donation this would be greatly appreciated: