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Getting Published


Matador, "the respected self-publishing arm of Troubador" are upping the ante in the Self-Publishing stakes. Just to show they mean business Matador have gone out and hired a sales representation company to sell their books, by self-publishing authors, to the county's bookshops. At last here is an indication that authors who want to self-publish are being taken more seriously. And about time too.

Stephanie J Hale publishes a free newsletter called 'Rich Writer, Poor Writer'. She is a writing coach and independent publishers’ scout and, she says, has worked with bestselling authors and leading publishers for the past 20 years. Check out and sign up at:

UKUnpublished is a new company offering a different approach to publishing your book. They say they are "a new publishing service which is designed around Authors to give them the opportunity to publish their work without the stress and disappointment of traditional publishing, and without the cost and additional hard work of self publishing". Sound good so far? UKUnpublished will give the author 75p per sale of their book in any format, no matter where it sells. Sounds even better! Take a look at their website:

The Self Publishing Magazine
The Self Publishing Magazine, published three times a year, is a UK-based print magazine, full of essential advice for anyone about to self publish their own book.
They say: "With expert advice on all aspects of the self publishing process, from book production and printing to marketing and promotion, The Self Publishing Magazine is the indispensable guide to help you to get the most from your self publishing projects. Each issue contains: Marketing and promotion ideas for self publishing authors; Tips and hints on printing and the publishing processes; Case studies, reviews of self published books and the latest self publishing news." Go to the website where you can view and print off a sample issue.

Flair for Words 
Writers editorial and evaluation service  and manuscript editing.
This is a site for writers that you really shouldn't miss. Flair for Words was set up in 1988 and is the brain child of Cass and Janie Jackson. Their aim is to "give help/support/encouragement – and, if necessary, straight talking advice - to anybody involved with the magical world of words. That’s the reason for our existence and we’re available to our members (almost) 24/7."

To Be
A  free website - - has as its aim allowing  unpublished writers to showcase samples of their work for rating by visitors to the site. This market-testing will provide feedback that can then be used to build a case to would-be publishers. Working on something at present, but not sure if you're heading in the right direction? Got a story or chapter that you would value the opinion of your peers on? Send it to and get the invaluable comments and opinions of other writers. And whilst you're there leave a few comments of your own. Kind and constructive ones, naturally. Someone once said "Todays frank opinion is tomorrows treasured wisdom". Believe it.

Infinity Junction - publish and sell your book, novel, etc, click the pic or go below
This web site is...different. From the zany online saga “Nesstown Zoo” to their eclectic list of published and self-published books. Specialising in publishing thought-provoking work which may not interest the big guys, their guiding principle is ‘interesting reading’. They also offer a set of services for POD (Print on Demand) and self publishers.

Authors’ Online offer both electronic and, in some cases, POD (Print on Demand) books of their current catalogue. Check their “Publish with us” page and download the information pack.

Association of Christian Writers
The A.C.W. say they bring “many benefits whether you are wanting to write but don’t know how to get started, or whether you are an experienced author looking for new markets and fellowship with other Christian writers”.

Authors’ Online offer both electronic and, in some cases, POD (Print on Demand) books of their current catalogue. Check their “Publish with us” page and download the information pack.

BBC - WritersRoom
Visit The Writers Room at the BBC website for much useful information on writing for TV, Radio and Film. Download Word templates to help you set out your scripts correctly. The usual BBC quality.
They say: "BBC WritersRoom is always on the lookout for fresh, new, talented writers for a changing  britain . when we find them, we do everything we can to get their voice heard."

Everyone Who's Anyone in adult trade publishing,
A website listing hundreds of top literary agents, editors and publishers in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. It’s an excellent resource, and best of all, it’s free! There’s also a quirky twist to these listings, take a look and you’ll see what I mean. - publishing, self-publishing, ideas & inspiration
Great ideas to make you a better writer. Hundreds of ideas to inspire and improve your writing. 100 new ideas every month, plus what ifs, anniversaries, writing engines, discussion forums, writers' bookshop, computer & word processor help and much more.
Infinity Junction - publish and sell your book, novel, etc, click the pic or go below
This web site is...different. From the zany online saga “Nesstown Zoo” to their eclectic list of published and self-published books. Specialising in publishing thought-provoking work which may not interest the big guys, their guiding principle is ‘interesting reading’. They also offer a set of services for POD (Print on Demand) and self publishers.

Inter-Read - writers, readers, short stories and books world-wide
Inter-Read is described as a not-for-profit writers’ showcase. Submit your short story, poetry or even extracts from your full-length books. Practically every genre you can think of is represented.

Jacqui Bennett Writers Bureau
Lots of info on writers’ markets, writing competitions. Also provide a critique and editorial service. They say "become a published writer: getting published, writing courses, competitions, critique, editorial and advisory services for writers in all genres."

Literary Agents search: find by genre in our uk literary agents directory
Find UK literary agents and publishers in their searchable literary agents and publishers database / listing / directory. Writers and authors services, writers resources, authors resources, writers help, writers groups and circles. Authors help, new author, writers workshop, creative writing, proofreaders and editors, ghostwriters.

The Hilary Johnson Authors' Advisory Service
This is a "proven reading/criticism service for novelists, writers of short stories and children's books. also authors of full-length non-fiction. specialist advice available for science fiction/fantasy, radio/tv/film scripts and poetry."

The Literary Consultancy: scouts for leading literary agents
These folk aim to give “First class, market informed, editorial advice to writers at any level of English”. They will provide “assessment of fiction, non-fiction, autobiography, scripts and poetry at all stages of development”. Which just about covers it!



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