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Here is a further selection of articles for writers. Please download as many as you wish.

30/10/2007 12:52
How Are You Plotting? by Nick Vernon
Writing is a creative process and how every writer chooses to create, is individual to them. Likewise, with plotting, every writer plots at a level they are comfortable with. Here are some pointers to help you create the plots that readers want to read.

26/09/2007 15:02
Is The Theme Running Throughout The Story? by Nick Vernon
It’s no use coming up with a theme and not using it. Short stories are about a character or characters and about one situation or happening in those characters lives. By concentrating on that one thing, our stories are focused. You will need to focus to maintain a level of intensity and sticking to the theme enables us to do that. Let me give you an example…

25/09/2007 15:55
Writing Dialogue by Nick Daws
If you hope to write saleable fiction (or even popular non-fiction) today, one skill you must master is the art of writing dialogue. Dialogue serves a number of very important functions.

27/08/2007 15:36
Creative Writing - You Can Do It! by Ron King
The smallest thing can spark an idea for a story. A creative writing prompt can really be anything; it can be something as small as a picture or a single word. Some people gather their ideas from dreams or other sources or art. Anything that gives you the feeling that a great story could evolve can be used as a prompt. A prompt is almost like a preview for a movie: it gives you an idea of what is to come and makes you want to watch the movie. A creative prompt can be anything that makes you want to sit down and write.

28/06/2007 13:21
How To Make Money Writing Blog Novels by Christopher Kyalo
Blog novels are an extremely lucrative option, which every writer should take a closer look at. I am not talking theory here, I've actually written two blog novels, and although only one of them is complete, both earn me an ongoing income. What's more they will continue to earn me that income for many years to come - that's the beauty of a blog novel. Writing a novel is hard work, but there are several advantages of writing it online and in the form of a blog. To start with it is much easier to write it in blog format...

25/05/2007 15:33
5 Tips For Your First Jab At Creative Writing by Mario R. Churchill
The world of creative writing is an ever expanding one as stories or genres continue to evolve in a natural reaction to the changes in time. Having confirmed writing skills, however, is not enough to succeed in creative writing. Having passion for it is more important than having technical expertise. Love for creative writing, and not adherence to the grammatical elements, is what will ultimately guide you to doing things properly and successfully.

30/04/2007 16:38
Plot: A Main Ingredient for a Well Made Story by Vivian Gilbert Zabel
Some so-called experts insist that a story doesn't require a plot. However, whether found in a short story or a novel, a story requires a plot, otherwise the "story" is like bread without yeast - flat. A writing without a plot may be a narrative, a scene, or perhaps a descriptive essay, but anything without a plot doesn't "make" a story.

28/02/2007 15:37
Writing Articles - Two Aspects Of The Surge by Elaine Currie
Writing articles for publication on the Internet is, at the time I write this, every Internet marketers favourite way to get free publicity for his website. If you are an Internet marketer and haven't heard the buzz that's going around about writing articles, where have you been? No, forget I asked, there can't be a single Internet marketer hasn't heard that writing articles is an essential part of website promotion.

30/01/2007 15:25
Voice in Narrative and Dialogue by: Michael LaRocca
One of the nice things about being an author is that we can break any rule we want. (I just did.) It's part of our job description. Language changes through usage -- definitions, spelling, grammar -- and authors can help it do this. But on the other hand, we have to have some sort of agreement on the language or we won't be able to talk to each other.

31/08/2005 16:24
Computer Questions and Answers for Writers.
This is the result of being asked to answer questions at our Writer's Circle. Everything from MS Word problems to de-fragging, backing up, digital cameras and more.
29/07/2005 15:11
Awesome Endings by Leah Schizas
Bungee jumping, sky diving, secret mission, Indy 500: how do these events compare to the art of fiction writing? Each one brings to its ‘doer’ an element of anticipation, exhilaration, unfamiliarity, and adventure. A pure adrenaline rush. And as a writer of fiction, this is the plateau you want your reader to experience.

13/06/2005 16:22
Time to Write by Mui Tsun
Many people have entertained the idea of being a writer. They feel the passion to write. They have a best-seller idea. Yet years go by and nothing happens. Why? The reason is almost always the same: they can't find the time to write.

30/06/2005 10:06
Gratitude: The Secret Behind Creativity by Nancy Marmolejo
Boost your creativity with these amazing lifestyle principles.

28/06/2005 13:54
Make Description Work Hard by Donnalane Nelson
If dialogue moves the plot forward, then description should flesh out scenes. Description puts readers into your story while engaging their senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, feel).

13/06/2005 20:05
Characters In A Romance Novel by Patty Apostolides
Before you even begin writing your novel, you need to know who your characters will be. Patty looks at the major characteristics of character and shows how to bring them together to create real life, believable protagonists in your romantic story.

13/06/2005 19:52
The Vanity Publisher by David Turner
David recounts his own experiences dealing with a vanity publisher and offers some good advice on how to avoid being caught, and what to do if you are.

13/06/2005 19:51
Just What Is - “Creative Non-Fiction”? by D L Nelson
Breathe new life into your non-fiction articles by adding a twist of creativity. Based on the theories of Lee Gutkind, D L Nelson explains all. Includes exercises to get you going.

13/06/2005 19:49
How To Write A Blockbuster Novel by Avril Harper
Avril Harper takes a look at how a writers should prepare themselves for writing a best seller. She quotes from both publishers and established authors to give a much needed perspective before embarking on countless hours of writing, and rounds off with some practical and helpful do's and don’'ts

13/06/2005 19:48
Making A Living At Freelance Writing by Terri Mrosko
Terri asks, “How do you make a living freelance writing?” In this practical article she speaks from her own experience of building up a lucrative business doing just that, with examples from her own journey.

13/06/2005 19:47
Two Sides To Every Story by Terri Mrosko
“The left side of my brain and the right side of my brain had a conversation the other day, and what I discovered was remarkable...”

13/06/2005 19:46
Share Your Best Life Story With The World - by Jim Edwards
When most people sit down to write a book, they expect it will take months to complete the job. They envision working endlessly and toiling over every word until they finally emerge a year or two later with their finished "masterpiece." Well, that may hold true for traditional authors, but the power of the Internet makes it possible for more innovative authors to not only create books with compelling content, but to do it faster and easier than most ever dreamed possible.

13/06/2005 19:43
Self-Publishing Single Handed by Kay Fletcher
“In November of (2002) I had a great idea,” writes Kay, “why don’t I self-publish my novel.  Not so original, you might think, but here’s the twist.  I’ll do it on CD ROM!!” Read her lucid and inspiring account of how she accomplished this, with details of the tools she needed and how much it cost.

13/06/2005 19:40
How to Write & Publish Your Own Articles for Free Publicity by Dr Kevin Nunley
Everybody knows something about something. Wrap up your experience and expertise in article form and offer it for publication to magazines or on the net. Before you know it they will be beating a path to your door.

13/06/2005 19:38
“So You Want to be a Novelist?” by Chris Dukes
Words of wisdom to get you firmly on the right track.

13/06/2005 19:36
The Top 7 Mistakes eBook Authors Make by Jim Edwards & David Garfinkel
Just starting your first e-book? Then watch out, it's easy to trip up by making these 7 basic mistakes! Get the knowledge and get off to a racing start!<

13/06/2005 19:36
Overcome Writers Block with Snake Dancing Judy Cullins, M.A.
Writing coach Judy Collins comes up with some ideas to put the wheel back on the shopping trolley.

13/06/2005 19:34
Warming Up: Ten Exercises for Fiction Writers By Dr. Erika Dreifus
Here are 10 useful warming-up exercises to get you in the mood for that next article, chapter or short story.

13/06/2005 19:33
Break in with Fillers: The Best Market for New Writers by Shelley Wake
Shelley Wake shows how to get published the easy way - by writing fillers that magazine editors are crying out for.

13/06/2005 19:31
A Strange Writing Lesson by D-L Nelson
Donna-Lane Nelson shows how to sharpen your story writing by learning lessons from you DVD collection.

13/06/2005 16:26
The Bottomless Notebook by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ
Reading through a writer's notebook or journal is like discovering pearls, rubies and diamonds amidst a pile of rubble.

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