short story, poetry

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Writers' Markets

Here is WritersReign's listing of current writers' markets openings. The list is updated to as I come across new opportunities.

Irish broadcasting station RTE are looking for original radio essays, reportage, travel pieces and much more besides. Items should appeal to a world audience and should be around 700 words.

Duotrope is a website listing over 2575 current Fiction and Poetry publications  . You can search for exactly the kind of magazine that would accept your story or poem. It's free to join and you can track your submissions. The information Duotrope holds on each magazine is quite comprehensive with such statistics as how quickly your submission is acknowledged; what percentage of submissions are accepted and so on. Website: Duotrope

Home Farmer is a magazine for people with a back garden or allotment, and  they are interested in receiving work from freelancers. Their slogan is "You don't have to live in the country to enjoy the good life!" So if you're into 'home farming' and have some bright ideas about fruit, veg and chickens, send for a copy of their guidelines. Email: Their website is:

Hertfordshire Countryside is looking for articles. They should be 1,200 words long and relate, naturally, to the county of Hertfordshire. For more details email:

The Cadaverine, a new magazine funded by the Arts Council, is looking for new young writers under the age of 25. They are looking for high literary merit, work that is challenging and engaging and includes criticism of books, TV, music, etc. Short fiction should be between 500 and 3,000 words. If you fancy a shot at this you'd best take a look at the website to get a handle on exactly what they want. TheCadaverine

Byker Books are on the lookout for short stories under 3,000 words that deal with real life, 'working class' people and situations. BykerBooks

Aesthetica Magazine - the cultural arts publication
The culture magazine for the emerging arts - is calling for submissions on a rolling basis. Aesthetica is undergoing somewhat of a change. They are still a firmly contemporary magazine concerned with the Arts in general, but specifically with writing, the visual arts, music, and film. "Like the oft-referenced caterpillar", they say, "we hope that our next issue will emerge as something rather more beautiful. As such, the focus of our magazine will change from poetry and prose to creative writing of any form. We'd particularly like to increase the representation of essays, articles, reviews and features presented between our new and very glossy covers". They accept submissions for features, articles, reviews, short stories, poems, artwork, and photography. Get more information from their web site:  then click through to Information/ Submission.

Coffee Break for writers e-zine
A free monthly e-zine for writers and by writers. They say "We are a paying market!" Here's a site that offers a thoughtful and interesting range of helpful items in the form of an online e-zine. Some of the topics covered in the current edition: Feature: "Find Time to Write (An Acrostic)", Book Review: "Purple Snowflake Marketing", Questions and Answers About Freelance Writing, Success Café, Writing and Publishing News, Writing Exercise, Observances and Holidays (Ideas Included), Legal Information, Advertising Information.
Open Magazine - culture most wanted
Online arts and culture magazine,, is on the lookout for new writers to submit short stories and poetry. A clever, stylish site for everyone with an 'open mind' in all areas of the modern arts arena. Editor-in-chief Loma-Ann Bonner says "If you've got a decent turn of phrase and would like to write a feature, review or short story, do get in touch".

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Sunflower Felloiwship, Romania 
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