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Your Question Answered

FROM: Puzzled of Dorking

Question: I've been reading Harry Potter and want to know: how do you actually pronounce 'horcrux' and 'horcruxes'?


Dear Puzzled,

We had to have a round table discussion about this which went on for several hours. In the end our secretary, Phyllis, produced notes, in her own impeccable style, of everyone's thoughts:

Darren (gopher): It's obvyus innit? It's 'hairy crocks-is'. (no one felt very comfortable with this, but we were too kind to say so.)

Jeannie (proof reader): It's from the French and I heard it's pronounced 'or-croo' and 'or-croo-say'. It's translated from 'heur' meaning 'hour' and 'crux' meaning, well the 'crux' or nub of the matter. In other words it's the decisive point of the hour. (This made a lot of sense and several heads were nodding.)

Bernard (researcher): The secret to this, he said, is that the 'x' is pronounced like a soft 'c'. Therefore, in my considered opinion, the word is properly pronounced 'hor-crews' and 'hor-crew-sees'. (More heads nodded this time.)

(We would have asked Mervyn, our editor, but it was discovered that he had fallen asleep, so we left him, poor dear.)

Me (Phyllis) quietly: I looked this up on the Internet, and if I might say, Bernard, I'm rather surprised you didn't do so...

Bernard (researcher): Well I didn't know the dratted question had arrived until this discussion, did I? If certain people would brief other people beforehand then perhaps things might get done.

Me (Phyllis): Yes, well, be that as it may, the concensus of opinion on the web is that it's pronounced 'hor-crucks' and 'hor-cruck-sis'.

Darren (gopher): Wot, you mean like wot it's written?'

Phyllis (secretary): Not so loud Darren, but yes. Just like it's written.

1st Footnote: After the meeting we did attempt to contact J K Rowling the author of those wonderful, wonderful Harry Potter stories, but the cleaning woman who answered the 'phone advised us "She ain't here, luv." So we left it.

2nd Footnote: Dear Ms Rowling, if by any chance you should read the less than academic exchanges above, may I extend apologies on behalf of WritersReign, and just mention that if you are ever in need of a good secretary/PA my telephone number is...

Merv (editor): Phyllis!, stop crawling and put the kettle on.

Phyllis (secretary): Any salary will do...

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